DAMPAK REFORMASI BIROKRASI (Studi Tentang Restrukturisasi di Dinas Sosial Provinsi Sulawesi Utara)



The Bureaucratic Structure Reform Policy aims to streamline the existing structure, in this case it aims to
strengthen strategic functions that were not previously accommodated and accommodated by the new
structure and increase public satisfaction with the performance and services of the North Sulawesi
Provincial Social Service. However, these hopes have not been maximally achieved. Therefore, this study
is proposed to answer questions about the Impact of the Bureaucratic Structure Reform Policy in the
Social Service of North Sulawesi Province. In this study, using the policy impact theory from James
Anderson, the impact of policy can be seen based on 5 dimensions that can be used as a benchmark.
Expected policy impact (intended consequences). Policies may have an impact on situations or groups
beyond the target or purpose of the policy being made. The impact of the policy is likely to have an impact
on current and future circumstances. The impact on direct costs, direct costs speak of the direct costs
incurred to finance public policy programs. Policies may also have indirect costs that are borne by society
or some members of society as a result of public policies, for example regarding anxiety, discomfort, costs
of social chaos, satisfaction, or even aesthetic costs. In this study, using a qualitative descriptive research
method, namely through interviews with 8 informants in direct observation, and looking for documents
related to policy, assisted by recording devices and writing instruments. The results of this study generally
explain that the impact of this Bureaucratic Structure Reform policy has not fully achieved the expected
Keywords : Policy Impact, Bureaucratic Structure Reform.

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