EFEKTIVITAS PELAKSANAAN PEMBANGUNAN INFRASTRUKTUR PEDESAAN (Studi Di Desa Baturapa Kecamatan Lolak Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow)



To be able to make a peaceful, educated and prosperous village as the vision of the village
government, the development of infrastructure which is an infrastructure based on a productive agricultural
economy is a priority. Various infrastructure developments have been carried out by maximizing existing
funds both from village fund programs and through community self-help. The purpose of this study is to find
out how the effectiveness of the implementation of rural infrastructure development, especially in Baturapa
Village, Lolak District, Bolaang Mongondow Regency is. The research method used in this study is a
qualitative method. Informants in research are people who can provide information about the situation and
condition of the research setting. The focus of the research is seen from the indicators according to Makmur,
namely the accuracy of the use of the budget, the accuracy of the use of human resources and the accuracy
of the use of time. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation and use of documents. The
results of the study show the effectiveness of implementing rural infrastructure development, especially in
Baturapa Village, Lolak District, Bolaang Mongondow Regency until now it can be seen that efforts to build
infrastructure based on a productive agricultural economy that have been set as village planning documents
have not been achieved and in the use of timing non-conforming causes a change in the disbursement
Keywords : Effectiveness, Development, Rural Infrastructure

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