Limitation of infrastructure, such as providing access to economic centers, access to plantations and the
availability of clean water, became the obstacle of the rural developing. This research uses a qualitative
approach. Data obtained from interviews, observations, and documentation. The data obtained were then
analyzed use data reduction techniques, data models, and verification. The focus of this study refer to five
indicators of the effectiveness of implementing the rural infrastructure development program, namely the
right policy, the right implementation, the right target, the right environment, and the right process. Right
on policy, government policies regarding existing problems such as construction of production roads,
provide the clean water and productive businesses can be resolved. Appropriate implementation, the
implementation of rural infrastructure development was carried out in stages or gradually. Right on
target, the target of rural infrastructure development is to realize increased access for the poor and in this
achievement the government has designated Kayuuwi 1 as the target group by involving the community.
Environmentally appropriate, assessment by institutions involved in implementation and involve the
community as a group that related institutions and the community alike positively assess the PPIP
program implemented in Kayuuwi 1. Appropriate process, the process starts from planning,
implementation, and supervision, to decision making. The existing process is working and PPIP in
Kayuuwi 1, West Kawangkoan is proceeding according to the existing process.
Keyword : programs effectiveness, infrastructure, rural development
availability of clean water, became the obstacle of the rural developing. This research uses a qualitative
approach. Data obtained from interviews, observations, and documentation. The data obtained were then
analyzed use data reduction techniques, data models, and verification. The focus of this study refer to five
indicators of the effectiveness of implementing the rural infrastructure development program, namely the
right policy, the right implementation, the right target, the right environment, and the right process. Right
on policy, government policies regarding existing problems such as construction of production roads,
provide the clean water and productive businesses can be resolved. Appropriate implementation, the
implementation of rural infrastructure development was carried out in stages or gradually. Right on
target, the target of rural infrastructure development is to realize increased access for the poor and in this
achievement the government has designated Kayuuwi 1 as the target group by involving the community.
Environmentally appropriate, assessment by institutions involved in implementation and involve the
community as a group that related institutions and the community alike positively assess the PPIP
program implemented in Kayuuwi 1. Appropriate process, the process starts from planning,
implementation, and supervision, to decision making. The existing process is working and PPIP in
Kayuuwi 1, West Kawangkoan is proceeding according to the existing process.
Keyword : programs effectiveness, infrastructure, rural development
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