The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of Covid 19 in the implementation of learning
at the Efata Christian Elementary School, Bambung Village, Gemeh District, Talaud Islands
Regency. This study used a qualitative research method. In order to obtain accurate, relevant, and
accountable data, the authors use several techniques in data collection, namely through observation,
interviews and documentation. The data are then grouped to make it easier to filter which data are
needed and which are not. After grouping, the data is described by the author in the form of text to
make it more understandable. After that, the authors draw conclusions from the data, so that they
can answer the main research problem. From the results of the study, it was found that the impact of
Covid 19 in the implementation of learning at the Efata Christian Elementary School, Bambung
Village, Gemeh District, Talaud Islands Regency occurred in the aspect of the impact on public
problems, especially in the target group, the impact of direct costs incurred to finance the program
and indirect impacts incurred as a result of implementation of the Covid 19 handling protocol policy.
Keywords: Impact, Covid 19, Learning, School
at the Efata Christian Elementary School, Bambung Village, Gemeh District, Talaud Islands
Regency. This study used a qualitative research method. In order to obtain accurate, relevant, and
accountable data, the authors use several techniques in data collection, namely through observation,
interviews and documentation. The data are then grouped to make it easier to filter which data are
needed and which are not. After grouping, the data is described by the author in the form of text to
make it more understandable. After that, the authors draw conclusions from the data, so that they
can answer the main research problem. From the results of the study, it was found that the impact of
Covid 19 in the implementation of learning at the Efata Christian Elementary School, Bambung
Village, Gemeh District, Talaud Islands Regency occurred in the aspect of the impact on public
problems, especially in the target group, the impact of direct costs incurred to finance the program
and indirect impacts incurred as a result of implementation of the Covid 19 handling protocol policy.
Keywords: Impact, Covid 19, Learning, School
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