National and regional development is an inseparable part of village development activities,
considering that the concentration of the population is still dominant in rural areas, so that the village is
the basis of socio-economic and political power that needs serious attention from the government. The main
goal of development carried out by the government is to improve the standard of living of its people. Various
businesses from various sectors continue to be developed in an effort to achieve these goals. In Law number
6 of 2014 concerning Villages it is stated that village development is an effort to improve the quality of life
and life for the greatest welfare of the village community. Therefore, community participation in
development is very important, without community participation, development only makes the community
as an object. In the implementation of community empowerment programs, the criteria used to measure
participatory management are described by George E. Terry which includes planning, organizing,
mobilizing, and supervising.
Keywords: Participatory Management, Community Empowerment
considering that the concentration of the population is still dominant in rural areas, so that the village is
the basis of socio-economic and political power that needs serious attention from the government. The main
goal of development carried out by the government is to improve the standard of living of its people. Various
businesses from various sectors continue to be developed in an effort to achieve these goals. In Law number
6 of 2014 concerning Villages it is stated that village development is an effort to improve the quality of life
and life for the greatest welfare of the village community. Therefore, community participation in
development is very important, without community participation, development only makes the community
as an object. In the implementation of community empowerment programs, the criteria used to measure
participatory management are described by George E. Terry which includes planning, organizing,
mobilizing, and supervising.
Keywords: Participatory Management, Community Empowerment
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