The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Assistance for Micro Business Actors
(BPUM) in Malalayang Satu Barat Village, Malalayang District, Manado City. By using qualitative
research methods, this research focuses on the effectiveness of providing assistance to the community in
the West Malalayang Satu Village. The research study was conducted using the theory of Campbell J.P (in
Starawaji 2009:121) which said that the measurement of effectiveness in general can be seen from:
Program success; Target Success; Satisfaction with the Program; Achievement of Program Objectives;
and Input and Output Levels. From the results of the study, it was found that the success of the
Government Assistance Program for Micro Business Actors in Malalayang Satu Barat Village had not
been successful as a whole, in terms of the distribution of assistance to recipients has been running
according to the mechanism regulated by the government and the appointed bank, but there are still some
problems that need to be addressed. the government must answer and resolve it, such as beneficiaries who
do not have businesses, there are also those who should have the right but their names are not listed as
potential beneficiaries.
Keywords: Effectiveness; Government Assistance; Micro Business
(BPUM) in Malalayang Satu Barat Village, Malalayang District, Manado City. By using qualitative
research methods, this research focuses on the effectiveness of providing assistance to the community in
the West Malalayang Satu Village. The research study was conducted using the theory of Campbell J.P (in
Starawaji 2009:121) which said that the measurement of effectiveness in general can be seen from:
Program success; Target Success; Satisfaction with the Program; Achievement of Program Objectives;
and Input and Output Levels. From the results of the study, it was found that the success of the
Government Assistance Program for Micro Business Actors in Malalayang Satu Barat Village had not
been successful as a whole, in terms of the distribution of assistance to recipients has been running
according to the mechanism regulated by the government and the appointed bank, but there are still some
problems that need to be addressed. the government must answer and resolve it, such as beneficiaries who
do not have businesses, there are also those who should have the right but their names are not listed as
potential beneficiaries.
Keywords: Effectiveness; Government Assistance; Micro Business
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