This research was conducted to find out how to empower the management of village development in
Bulude village, Kabaruan district. This study uses a type of qualitative research. The theory used there
are six aspects contained in the concept of competence, namely knowledge, understanding, abilities,
values, attitudes and interests. Data collection techniques used in this study are: Interview,
Observation, and Documentation of data obtained from various sources and then analyzed which
becomes a conclusion from the research process. The results obtained from this study indicate that the
limitations regarding knowledge of village development management by village officials are every
administrative action related to village development management starting from the performance of the
apparatus and village development management procedures based on applicable laws and regulations.
Regarding the competence of the village apparatus, secondly, he must know and understand his duties
and functions as a village apparatus. The third thing that is very important is related to the
competence of village officials in managing village development, namely knowing and understanding
the procedures for formulating policies related to the management of village development.
Bulude village, Kabaruan district. This study uses a type of qualitative research. The theory used there
are six aspects contained in the concept of competence, namely knowledge, understanding, abilities,
values, attitudes and interests. Data collection techniques used in this study are: Interview,
Observation, and Documentation of data obtained from various sources and then analyzed which
becomes a conclusion from the research process. The results obtained from this study indicate that the
limitations regarding knowledge of village development management by village officials are every
administrative action related to village development management starting from the performance of the
apparatus and village development management procedures based on applicable laws and regulations.
Regarding the competence of the village apparatus, secondly, he must know and understand his duties
and functions as a village apparatus. The third thing that is very important is related to the
competence of village officials in managing village development, namely knowing and understanding
the procedures for formulating policies related to the management of village development.
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