Supervision is the most essential management function, no matter how good the work carried out
without supervision cannot be said to be successful. Community supervision not only involves the
community in decision-making in every development program implemented by the goverment in the
village, but the community is also involved in identifying problems and potentials that exist in the
community. Village Owned Enterprise (BUMDES) is a legal entity established by the village to manage
the bussines, utilize asset, delevop village potential, and provide as many types of bussines as possible
for the welfare of the village community. So this study uses a type of qualitative research where the
research is descriptive, namely the collection of primary and secondary data conducted through
interviews and then processed and obtained results. The result of the study show that the problems that
hinder the not running of the BUMDES in Gosoma village are that supervision is not carried out by the
community but the village goverment, the community understands that they have no responsibility in
supervision, village owned enterprise managers or administrators are irresponsible and the savings and
loan work program is jammed. The selection of work programs that are not in accordance with the needs
of the community has resulted in only part of the community being able to feel it.
Keywords: Supervision, Management, Program
without supervision cannot be said to be successful. Community supervision not only involves the
community in decision-making in every development program implemented by the goverment in the
village, but the community is also involved in identifying problems and potentials that exist in the
community. Village Owned Enterprise (BUMDES) is a legal entity established by the village to manage
the bussines, utilize asset, delevop village potential, and provide as many types of bussines as possible
for the welfare of the village community. So this study uses a type of qualitative research where the
research is descriptive, namely the collection of primary and secondary data conducted through
interviews and then processed and obtained results. The result of the study show that the problems that
hinder the not running of the BUMDES in Gosoma village are that supervision is not carried out by the
community but the village goverment, the community understands that they have no responsibility in
supervision, village owned enterprise managers or administrators are irresponsible and the savings and
loan work program is jammed. The selection of work programs that are not in accordance with the needs
of the community has resulted in only part of the community being able to feel it.
Keywords: Supervision, Management, Program
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Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado
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