Public service is basically is an action or advantage that offered to another part and basically has no form
that can be feel or experienced and that means is service is some kind of product that makes this product is
unreal and cant be feel. So the government have to make sure for building trust to public that of course
needed effort to make it that happen and need extra effort for gaining public trust to the government and for
making the public feel that they got the best service from government because as citizen they have a rights to
got the best public service, management information system itself is a one of the factor or support that can
make public servie become more efficient and effective because the system use technology as one of the part
of the system management information system itself is activity that provide information
Keyword : Information System,Management,Public Service
that can be feel or experienced and that means is service is some kind of product that makes this product is
unreal and cant be feel. So the government have to make sure for building trust to public that of course
needed effort to make it that happen and need extra effort for gaining public trust to the government and for
making the public feel that they got the best service from government because as citizen they have a rights to
got the best public service, management information system itself is a one of the factor or support that can
make public servie become more efficient and effective because the system use technology as one of the part
of the system management information system itself is activity that provide information
Keyword : Information System,Management,Public Service
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Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado
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