Penguatan Ekonomi Publik Melalui Pengelolaan Usaha Minuman Tradisional Captikus Di Desa Raanan Lama Kecamatan Motoling Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

Claudia Mandey, Florence Lengkong, Novva Plangiten


The purpose of this study was to determine the strengthening of the public economy through strengthening the
management of the traditional Cap rat beverage business in Raanan Lama Village, Motoling District, South
Minahasa Regency.
Based on the results of the research that Strengthening through the Economic Strengthening Program the
management of the traditional drinking business of Cap Tikus in Raanan Lama Village, Motoling District, South
Minahasa Regency. namely: 1. The Partnership aspect has succeeded in carrying out this program. Because it
has succeeded in collaborating with other parties or seeking partnerships to make Captikus a thing that advances
the community. 2. In the Enabling or Supporting aspect, the government together with the Ranaan Village
Apparatus have provided an Economic Strengthening program for the management of the Cap Tikus traditional
drinking business to the community according to the needs of every level of society. 3. In the aspect of
Empowering or Capability, the government together with the Ranaan Village apparatus have provided the best. 4.
In the Protecting aspect, the government together with the Ranaan Village apparatus have made every effort.
Keywords: Economic Strengthening, Traditional Drinks, Captikus.

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