Implementasi Program Bantuan Bedah Rumah Studi Di Desa Mogoyunggung Kecamatan Dumoga Timur Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow
A decent house to live in is one of the needs of every community, especially people who do not have a decent
house to live in. Therefore, the government issued a Home Surgery Assistance program. Mogoyunggung Village,
Dumoga Timur District Bolaang Mongondow Regency, is one of those who have implemented this assistance
program. This research was conducted in order to find out the process of implementing the Home Surgery
Assistance Program Policy in Mogoyunggung Village, Dumoga Timur District. This research uses a qualitative
descriptive research type. Where the purpose of this study is to find out how the process of implementing the
Home Surgery Assistance Program policy in Mogoyunggung Village, Dumoga Timur District. The research focus
is based on the policy implementation model by Van Meter and Van Horn in Subarsono (2005:95) where there
are several variables that are used as the core of the research focus, there are 6 variables, namely as follows:
Policy Standards and Targets, Resources, Inter-Organizational Relations, Characteristics of Implementing
Agencies , Social, Economic and Political Conditions, Implementor Disposition. The data collection techniques
used are as follows: Observation, Interview, Documentation. The informants in this study were 14 people from the
community. This aid program has been running well because it can be seen that the distribution has been right on
target, although there are people who are still late in building houses and feel that funds are still lacking.
However, this house renovation assistance is one of the useful aids to meet the needs of the community.
Keywords: Implementation, Program, Assistance, House Renovation
house to live in. Therefore, the government issued a Home Surgery Assistance program. Mogoyunggung Village,
Dumoga Timur District Bolaang Mongondow Regency, is one of those who have implemented this assistance
program. This research was conducted in order to find out the process of implementing the Home Surgery
Assistance Program Policy in Mogoyunggung Village, Dumoga Timur District. This research uses a qualitative
descriptive research type. Where the purpose of this study is to find out how the process of implementing the
Home Surgery Assistance Program policy in Mogoyunggung Village, Dumoga Timur District. The research focus
is based on the policy implementation model by Van Meter and Van Horn in Subarsono (2005:95) where there
are several variables that are used as the core of the research focus, there are 6 variables, namely as follows:
Policy Standards and Targets, Resources, Inter-Organizational Relations, Characteristics of Implementing
Agencies , Social, Economic and Political Conditions, Implementor Disposition. The data collection techniques
used are as follows: Observation, Interview, Documentation. The informants in this study were 14 people from the
community. This aid program has been running well because it can be seen that the distribution has been right on
target, although there are people who are still late in building houses and feel that funds are still lacking.
However, this house renovation assistance is one of the useful aids to meet the needs of the community.
Keywords: Implementation, Program, Assistance, House Renovation
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