Pengaruh Iklim Organisasi terhadap Motivasi Kerja Aparatur Birokrasi ( suatu studi diKantor Walikota Manado)



Abstract :Organizational climate is an important factor to explain employee motivation as it
relates to job satisfaction. But, common phenomenon indicates that the organizational climate is
often not gained great attention in organizations o rgovernment bureaucracy.Relative to this,the
research was conducted to determine the effect of organizational climate on work motivation of
personnel in the Office of Mayor of Manado.
This study using the quantitative methods. Source of data/research respondents was 37 the
officers/employees were taken with astratified random sampling technique according to the level
of class rank of 186 civil servants of Mayor's Office in Manado City (Regional
Secretariat).Techniques of data collection using the questionnaires and assisted with thein
terview guide. Technique of analyzing data used for hypothesis testing is a simple regression
analysis/linear and simple correlation/product moment.
The results showed: (1) organizational climate variable regression coefficient of the apparatus
work motivation is a positive, meaningful and significant.(2) The correlation coefficient and the
power of determination of organizational climate variables on work motivation of personnel is
high / tight and significant.
Based on the results of the statistic alanalysis be concluded that organizational climate and
significant positive effecton the motivation of personnel working in the office of the Mayor of
Based on the conclusion of the study suggested: (1) organizational climate in Manado Mayor's
office needs to be improvedon all dimensions of the organizational climate of the structure of
the task, relationshipreward-punishment, communicationin organizations, human resource
development personnel, equipment and facilitiesto support the implementation of tasks,as well
as the comfort of the working environments; (2) It takes a strong commitment from the
leadership of the local government to create a climate of Manado City organization that is
capable of creating or improving high employee motivationof the personnel/employees.
Keyword: Organizational Climate, Work Motivation

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