This research was carried out by focusing the discussion on the problem of
policy implementation in the public service population and civil registry offices in North
Halmahera Regency in making ID cards. This study aimed to determine how the implementation
of public service policy has been conducted in the department of population and civil registration
district of North Halmahera in terms of ID cards, and to help authors understand how the
implementation of the pubic service policy is applied in the sphere of local government,
particularly the official residence and recording civil.
This research was conducted using qualitative research methods in the Department of
Population and Civil Registration, the Government of North Halmahera, North Maluku
province the number of respondents is as much as 10 employees in the Department of
Population and Civil Registration District of North Halmahera. The technique used to perform
data collection is observation Participation (participan Observation), in-depth interviews (in
depth interviews), and study documentation. Data analysis techniques used in qualitative
research is a model of Miles and Huberman. Based on the research conducted, it is known that
there are objective or objectives are clear and consistent policy regarding the ID card in the
office of population and civil registration district of North Halmahera; There is strong
theoretical support in formulating policy ID card at the Office of Population and Civil
Registration District of North Halmahera; law foundation policy implementation process of
policy-making government-issued ID card at the Office of Population and Civil Registration
District of North Halmahera which ensures compliance of the employees in the Department of
Population and Civil Registration in North Halmahera district to collect data of ID cards; There
is a good commitment from the employee to perform the tasks in the success of local government
programs in the field of Population and Civil Registration; There is support from stakeholders
as well as the entire community in supporting the Office programs to create an orderly society in
terms of administration; and support the development of social, economic and political in an
effort to prosperity.
Keywords: Implementation, Public Services Policy, Office of Population and Civil Registration
policy implementation in the public service population and civil registry offices in North
Halmahera Regency in making ID cards. This study aimed to determine how the implementation
of public service policy has been conducted in the department of population and civil registration
district of North Halmahera in terms of ID cards, and to help authors understand how the
implementation of the pubic service policy is applied in the sphere of local government,
particularly the official residence and recording civil.
This research was conducted using qualitative research methods in the Department of
Population and Civil Registration, the Government of North Halmahera, North Maluku
province the number of respondents is as much as 10 employees in the Department of
Population and Civil Registration District of North Halmahera. The technique used to perform
data collection is observation Participation (participan Observation), in-depth interviews (in
depth interviews), and study documentation. Data analysis techniques used in qualitative
research is a model of Miles and Huberman. Based on the research conducted, it is known that
there are objective or objectives are clear and consistent policy regarding the ID card in the
office of population and civil registration district of North Halmahera; There is strong
theoretical support in formulating policy ID card at the Office of Population and Civil
Registration District of North Halmahera; law foundation policy implementation process of
policy-making government-issued ID card at the Office of Population and Civil Registration
District of North Halmahera which ensures compliance of the employees in the Department of
Population and Civil Registration in North Halmahera district to collect data of ID cards; There
is a good commitment from the employee to perform the tasks in the success of local government
programs in the field of Population and Civil Registration; There is support from stakeholders
as well as the entire community in supporting the Office programs to create an orderly society in
terms of administration; and support the development of social, economic and political in an
effort to prosperity.
Keywords: Implementation, Public Services Policy, Office of Population and Civil Registration
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