Pemberdayaan Pegawai Di Badan Kesatuan Bangsa Dan Perlindungan Masyarakat Provinsi Sulawesi Utara
This study aims to determine how Empowerment Of Employees In The Agency Public
Protection Of National unity North Sulawesi. The data collection was conducted through
interviews with 8 informan consist of : 1 leadership of agency heads, 2 heads of field, 1
head of sub fileds, 1 heads subpart, 3 staff. Based discussion Empowerment Of Employees
In The Agency Public Protection Of National unity North Sulawesi yet fully based
enabling and facilitating, but rather support by aspects conculting and collaborating.
Therfore recommended that the Empowerment Of Employees adjustment need employees
with different political,social,legal and national defense. And perform additional
operational funds for stengthening the capacity of resource activities operatur, office also
should include more employees in training activities socialization according to the field of
work that the task could be running properly.
Keywords : Employee Empowerment
Paradigma Pemerintah
Daerah yang
This study aims to determine how Empowerment Of Employees In The Agency Public
Protection Of National unity North Sulawesi. The data collection was conducted through
interviews with 8 informan consist of : 1 leadership of agency heads, 2 heads of field, 1
head of sub fileds, 1 heads subpart, 3 staff. Based discussion Empowerment Of Employees
In The Agency Public Protection Of National unity North Sulawesi yet fully based
enabling and facilitating, but rather support by aspects conculting and collaborating.
Therfore recommended that the Empowerment Of Employees adjustment need employees
with different political,social,legal and national defense. And perform additional
operational funds for stengthening the capacity of resource activities operatur, office also
should include more employees in training activities socialization according to the field of
work that the task could be running properly.
Keywords : Employee Empowerment
Paradigma Pemerintah
Daerah yang
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Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado
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