This research entitled: Kinerja Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Dalam Rekrutmen Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil
di Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan, it means to find out performance of corporation employee province in South
Halmahera and with the purpose to know and explain which factors that influence the performance of
corporation employee province in recruitment of candidate the civil employee in South Halmahera.
The information that acquired in this research are arranged by program of descriptive typ with the
grounded on survey and qualitative analysis whereas technic of data announcement that used by literature study
and field of study with the direct observation and interview towards to 8 informants.
The results of this research in the field are indicating that since 2014-2015 years performance of
corporation employee province in South Halmahera resulted in advancement or there are increase of the
performance, and there is some employer get the appreciation because they did their jobs and responsibilities
with the perfection but there is so much obstacle happens when recruiting the employer candidate in South
With these research, the corporation employee province in South Halmahera wishes their performance
will advance and they can implementation their duty and responsibility with good. In this case there are factors
that obstruct performance of corporation employee province in South Halmahera recruits the employer are suitor
age and they needed just some peoples, electronic facilities decrease, like computer, Wi-Fi and telephone and
some regions doesn’t have telecommunication access and using oceans strip and it takes so long. The corporation
employee province in South Halmahera wish the government of South Halmahera can looking at the things so
that the obstacles that happened by corporation employee province.
Keyword :Performance Of Corporation Employee
This research entitled: Kinerja Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Dalam Rekrutmen Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil
di Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan, it means to find out performance of corporation employee province in South
Halmahera and with the purpose to know and explain which factors that influence the performance of
corporation employee province in recruitment of candidate the civil employee in South Halmahera.
The information that acquired in this research are arranged by program of descriptive typ with the
grounded on survey and qualitative analysis whereas technic of data announcement that used by literature study
and field of study with the direct observation and interview towards to 8 informants.
The results of this research in the field are indicating that since 2014-2015 years performance of
corporation employee province in South Halmahera resulted in advancement or there are increase of the
performance, and there is some employer get the appreciation because they did their jobs and responsibilities
with the perfection but there is so much obstacle happens when recruiting the employer candidate in South
With these research, the corporation employee province in South Halmahera wishes their performance
will advance and they can implementation their duty and responsibility with good. In this case there are factors
that obstruct performance of corporation employee province in South Halmahera recruits the employer are suitor
age and they needed just some peoples, electronic facilities decrease, like computer, Wi-Fi and telephone and
some regions doesn’t have telecommunication access and using oceans strip and it takes so long. The corporation
employee province in South Halmahera wish the government of South Halmahera can looking at the things so
that the obstacles that happened by corporation employee province.
Keyword :Performance Of Corporation Employee
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