Friedrick Napoleon Lapian, Patar Rumapea, Martha Ogotan


ABSTRACT: Department of transportation is implementing elements of Manado city Manado City
Government, led by the head of Department, and responsible to the Mayor through the Regional Secretary
(Minister of the Interior decision/autonomous region no. 55 in 2000). Follow-up the decision has
published regulations Manado number 04 of 2008 about the Organization and the work area of the city of
Manado, Manado city and regulation number 19 in 2008 about the details of the duties and functions of
the Office of the city of Manado in the relationship of carrying out the functions of the service to the
community. Department of transportation supporting role as Manado city in creating organization
relationships ensure the safety, security, public order and the smooth comfort as well as environmental
This study uses qualitative methods, data sources or informants research as many as 10 people
were taken from several elements, namely the Department of transportation employee Manado 3 persons,
owner of microlet 4 people and 3 people microlet user community. Data collection using observation,
interviews, and documentation.
Conclusion based on the results of this research, it can be recommended in general suggestions
for the Department of transportation the city of Manado, the effectiveness of the Service relationship of
Manado city is still pretty good, to enhance the effectiveness of the Department of transportation should be
good increases the production of standards and the feasibility of a public transport vehicle to vehicle in
microlet extend stretch permit has a decent road standards and make convenience for users of public
transport. Quality of work should be improved again in this case about extension of the public transport
route permit is expected to Transport service to be more selective and further improve the quality
standards of the PC in public transit ride. Efficiency also needs to be improved, i.e. public transport testing
microlet if just past standard test feasibility of KIR can be seen many vehicles that are not worthy of the
road still passes the test of KIR, better than the Department of transportation's own re-testing against the
microlet public transport will extend the public transport route permit in order to generate a convenient
public transit vehicles. the satisfaction of the society is in the specified test standards of microlet public
transport last so if you want people to feel satisfied with the performance of the Department of
transportation in this permit extension routes should improve testing the feasibility of an above standard
of yesteryear. The service has been good but needs to be improved any more time in processing the
extension of route license, because the owner of the vehicle also feels no need to wait long to get
permission for these routes and also affects the intentions of owners of public transport vehicles to
annually renew stretch licenses.
Key Words: Effectiveness, Department Of Transportation, Route Clearance.

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Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado

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