ABSTRACT:Empowerment of small and medium micro enterprises is one of the policies made by the
Indonesian government in improving the welfare of society. and in accordance with law no.20 of 2008
regulates micro, small and medium-sized businesses, as well as by government regulation no. 13 of 2013 on
the implementation of law No. 20 of 2008, the government made a policy regarding the development programs
of small and medium micro enterprises.
Policy pursued by the government in improving the empowerment of micro, small and medium enterprises are
the government gave permission for business in running a certain business activities; business development
through the provision of facilities, coaching and mentoring; assistance to foster and improve the capabilities
and competitiveness of businesses; coordination and control of the government. Small and medium micro
policies have also been imposed by the government in the district of northern Kawangkoan.
Problems to be answered in this research is how the effectiveness of the empowerment of small and medium
micro enterprises in Kawangkoan northern districts. This study used qualitative methods, this study aimed to
describe, analyze and determine the effectiveness of the empowerment policy of small and medium micro
enterprises. Results of research conducted by collecting data obtained through observation and interviews
based on several indicators, as follows: (1) Responsiveness, (2) Development, (3) Adequacy.
Based on the results of the study conclude that the policy of empowerment of micro, small and medium-sized
enterprises in the district north Kawangkoan already quite effective. Based on the conclusion of the study, it is
suggested to Kawangkoan northern district government to pay more attention to the needs of the micro
business small and medium in increasing empowerment of small and medium micro enterprises.
Key words: effectiveness, policy, empowerment.
Indonesian government in improving the welfare of society. and in accordance with law no.20 of 2008
regulates micro, small and medium-sized businesses, as well as by government regulation no. 13 of 2013 on
the implementation of law No. 20 of 2008, the government made a policy regarding the development programs
of small and medium micro enterprises.
Policy pursued by the government in improving the empowerment of micro, small and medium enterprises are
the government gave permission for business in running a certain business activities; business development
through the provision of facilities, coaching and mentoring; assistance to foster and improve the capabilities
and competitiveness of businesses; coordination and control of the government. Small and medium micro
policies have also been imposed by the government in the district of northern Kawangkoan.
Problems to be answered in this research is how the effectiveness of the empowerment of small and medium
micro enterprises in Kawangkoan northern districts. This study used qualitative methods, this study aimed to
describe, analyze and determine the effectiveness of the empowerment policy of small and medium micro
enterprises. Results of research conducted by collecting data obtained through observation and interviews
based on several indicators, as follows: (1) Responsiveness, (2) Development, (3) Adequacy.
Based on the results of the study conclude that the policy of empowerment of micro, small and medium-sized
enterprises in the district north Kawangkoan already quite effective. Based on the conclusion of the study, it is
suggested to Kawangkoan northern district government to pay more attention to the needs of the micro
business small and medium in increasing empowerment of small and medium micro enterprises.
Key words: effectiveness, policy, empowerment.
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