Kinerja Dinas Perhubungan manado dalam mengatasi kemacetan di Kota Manado

Calvin Losa, florence Daicy Lengkong, Joorie Ruru


Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know the performance of the Department of transportation the
city of manado in overcoming bottlenecks in the city of manado. Congestion is the enemy of all cities
evolve how not everyone wants to be on time but sometimes we take advantage of the drive can be the
cause of our loss. Department of transportation's been doing a lot of Manado City efforts in tackling
bottlenecks that occur one by working closely with the traffic police authorities in response to wild
parking, but that's all it was only one of countless causes of congestion, the Department of transportation
currently Manado alone must be firmer or more increase their performance so that later on the level of
congestion in the town of manado alone can be cut down.
In the research uses qualitative research methods type or descriptive. As for the variety of data (the
informant) in this research taken from the elements involved in the problem in thorough, namely: head of
Department of Transportation Department Secretary, Manado, the head of Road Freight traffic, head of
systems development of transportation and road users (community). With the techniques of primary and
secondary data collection is done with the interview, observation and documentation study.
The overall performance of the transport service of the city of manado in dealing with congestion in
manado city seen from the implementation of function-function which in size with the performance
measurement indicators are pointed out by Dwiyanto 1995 (productivity, Responsiveness, quality of
service, corporate responsibility and accountability) is still not optimal. It is proven congestion problems in
the city of manado in the handle well yet and Max.
The Department of transport improves performance of Manado city in addressing bottlenecks in the work
program for effectiveness suggest that will be made by the Department of transportation should be more
Manado city in advance to be able to cope with problems on the streets of the city of Manado, for example:
make regulations for vehicle ownership rights over 6 – 7 years in destroyed or recycled to reduce
bottlenecks and making the Road overpass. Quality of service in the Department of transportation in order
not to complicate the community with conditions that are not important and of persons – the person who
made it more difficult to be in the stands. Response from the Department of transportation by taking
action against the congestion often occurs in Manado city must faster and creating pos – post on point – a
point of congestion in order to control the streets of the city of Manado. Department of transportation in
the future to further improve its velocity in response to things – things that exist in the streets of the city of
manado, for example: reduction of public transport vehicles that are already not worth sharing and
making the place/guard post in Manado city street set
Key words: Department of transportation Performance of manado in overcoming bottlenecks

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