Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Kepala Desa Terhadap Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat Dalam Membayar Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan di Desa Kaayuran Bawah Kecamatan Langowan Selatan Kabupaten Minahasa

Frisilia Jolanda Kalalo, Femmy Tulusan, Joorie Ruru


Abstract: This study berwal of experiences to the principal that is, the extent to which the influence of the
leadership of the head of the village to increase public awareness in paying taxes on land and buildings in
the village kaayuran south district under the District Langowan minahasa. Thus this study aims to analyze
the influence of the leadership of the head of the village to increase public awareness in paying taxes on land
and buildings in the village kaayuran south district under the District Langowan minahasa. This study uses
quantitative methods to approach the descriptive analysis of data and information collected through
questionnaires distributed to the technique 53 respondents were equipped with observation technique by
applying the technique of frequency tables, analysis of product moment and simple linear regression. Based
on the results of the data analaisi known that the answer respoenden on leadership clod village is in a class
interval between 22-25 with a .frequency of 25 respondents, or 47.2% This indicates that the average score
of variable Leadership Village Head (X) are in the category of "high" while in the pay of the UN Awareness
(Y) beada the class interval between 22-25 with a frequency of 23 respondents, or 43.4% , It can be
interpreted that the average scores in the Public Awareness variable pay land and building tax (Y) in the
village of Down District Langowan Kaayuran the South are in the category of "high" It can be concluded
that the Leadership Village Head Down Kaayuran Southern District Langowan very ignifikan positive effect
on the level of public awareness in paying property tax The village head in implementing transformational
leadership style tends to rely more effective in raising public awareness and building earth to pay tax, in
particular in Kaayuran village Down South Minahasa District Langowan.
Keywords: Leadership village head, Awareness In Pay Property Tax

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