Tata Kelola Administrasi Desa Dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan di Era Otonomi Desa (Studi di Desa Buo Kecamatan Loloda Kabupaten Halmahera Barat)

Trisno Mais, Patar Rumapea, Joyce Rares


Abstract: This research in order to acquire a thesis making a Bachelor degree Holders in the
Faculty of social and Political Science Unsrat Manado. Moving on from the pre study done by researchers,
that turns into alleged 1980 Village Administration Governance has not been applied in accordance with
PERMENDAGRI NO. 32 in 2006 about the village Administration Guidelines. This is because there are
some administration village of 1980 which have not been applied. Thus, the researchers saw a need to review
and note the application of Administrative Governance at the village of 1980. This research uses qualitative
research methods. The data collected from the stages of observation, in-depth interviews and documentation.
On the collection of data on completed by using the guidelines of the interview, in which there are 9
informants interviewed. The informant is the ninth of which start from the head of Loloda (1) and (8) the
village government. After being interviewed, the researchers analyzed the results of the interviews through
several stages. Among the first with the collection of data is done through observation or interviews and then
do record keeping and typing and editing as necessary, both the reduction of the holding against existing
data selection, data analysis, summarize the sharpen as well as discard data that is not required, the third
provides data and simplifying data have been obtained in order to facilitate research in the conclusion, the
fourth withdrawal With drawl , verify their conclusions with a review the records or data acquired and
analyzed as a result including brainstorm with friends colleagues and then take the conclusion. The results
showed that the Administration's Governance is still not applied optimally as expected by PERMENDAGRI
NO. 32 in 2006. The conclusion that can be drawn from the results of this research is that found there are
several administration which has not been applied. Data book including the land of the village, the village's
land book, appointment book, book, book the population mutation data recap of the population end of the
month, BPD, book appointment book expedition BPD. So it is inferred that sub District and village
Governments must still work together to realize the village administration governance better.
Keyword: application of Administrative Governance,

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