Peranan Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Dalam Pelaksanaan Mutasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil Di Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud

Kritino Rizky Taengetan, Alden Laloma, Joorie Ruru


ABSTRACT :This research is to know the role of the Agency in the implementation of regional
staffing mutation civil servant in talaud Islands Regency. Talaud Islands Regency Area Staffing Agency
has an important role in improving the performance of civil servants and is responsible for the
implementation of mutation and mutational effects on the welfare of civil servants. One example is not as
effective as the role of the Agency in the implementation of Regional Staffing i.e., mutation mutation civil
servant in the Regency Talaud rated still tend to have political interests as a cornerstone of its
implementation which we know as the seniority system and spoil system we know together not because of
his objective based on seniority and family. So the performance of the Agency's Staffing Area in particular
in the implementation of the mutation is still not qualified because its implementation is not based on the
ground of a mutation that we are familiar with the term meryt system or mutations that uses up the
runway that is scientific, objective, and outcomes achievement it works.
This research uses Qualitative Research Methods by using techniques of data analysis through
interviews to 10 Informants, observation and document additional instrument-assisted search form
guidelines interview with using techniques of data analysis, data presentation, data reduction, and
withdrawal of the conclusion.
Based on the research results through data analysis, and performance measurement indicators.
The following is the measurement indicators: productivity (effectiveness and efficiency), quality of service,
Responsiveness, Accountability, corporate responsibility. Talaud Islands Regency BKD in its
implementation is still not good, let alone in carrying out duties, functions, and his authority in
surveillance, designation, the rules of the mutation. the performance of human resources Staffing Agency
in Areas still not in optimize thoroughly. It was evident from the coordination between subordinates and
superiors are still unfavourable, liability is still very closed, in addition to Staffing The Agency also does
not answer the needs of society in General.
Referring to the conclusions above, shall recommend in a good cooperation between, civil
servants, with Staffing Agencies, Staffing Agencies and Regional Areas and local governments must
facilitate the work of civil servants by holding trainings – training.
Key words: the role of the Agency in the implementation of regional staffing mutations.

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