Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Dinas Energi Sumber Daya Mineral Sulawesi Utara

Samuel Pasla, Jantje Mandey, Femmy Tulusan


ABSTRACT; Each leader has an essentially different behavior in the lead or is often called a leadership
style. The success of an organization supported by the role of a leader with influence in his leadership
style. Issues questionable in this study is the extent to which the influence of leadership styles to the
motivation of civil servants working in the service of Energy Mineral resources of North Sulawesi.
The methods used in this research is quantitative methods. The subject of this research is the civil
servant at the Department of Energy Mineral resources of North Sulawesi. Research samples taken as
many as 20 people. Data collection is carried out using a questionnaire. Data analysis technique used is a
linear regression analysis and correlation of product moment.
Results of the analysis of the data indicates that the regression coefficient of the variable (X) is the
leadership style of work motivation of civil servants (Y) is real and positive correlation coefficients as well
as determination and is in the category are.
Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the leadership styles influence positively
the work motivation of civil servants, meaning that leadership style is one of the factors that determine the
work motivation of civil servants.
Based on the conclusions of the suggested: (1) the need for the role of the leadership to create
good communication between employees and management; (2) leaders need to give more attention to
employees who have good working performance; (3) leaders need to apply participatory leadership style in
order to create a harmonious cooperation, fosters loyalty and participation of employees.
Keywords: leadership styles, motivation for work

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