Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Camat Terhadap Kesadaran Masyarakat Dalam Membayar Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Di Kecamatan Eris Kabupaten Minahasa

Stefi Maria Sumarauw, Joyce Jacinta Rares, Burhanuddin Kiyai


ABSTRACT : The Earth and building tax is a direct tax that is withheld by the Central Government, but
the results received are intended for community interests in the area corresponding to the layout and the
tax object. The existence of tendencies and a sense of reluctance from some community Districts that pay
taxes in Eris views from various things relating to public awareness itself due to a weak economy that
factor in the work of inner as farmers, the Bill that is not in accordance with the objects of taxation and
there are people who deliberately don't want to pay UN.. Therefore, this research aims to know the
influence of the leadership of the Head of community awareness in the Earth and buildings to pay taxes.
The independent variables (free) in this study was leadership of (X) is a capacity that has the
ability to affect or right to steer, or encourage a person to do everything which is the wisdom or a
command for a particular purpose. The dependent variable (tied) in the penenlitian this is the awareness
of UN Pay as a Variable (Y) the existence of public awareness will encourage a strong desire to improve
and develop common interests in order to achieve a better life. The type of research used in this study is a
research method of quantitative analysis with descriptive statistics, with a view to seeking influences
between the dependent variable and independent variable.
Overall analysis of the results indicates that the leadership of the Head has a positive influence on the
Awareness of society in the pay of the UN in the Sub-District of Eris. As the results of this research as well
as the theoretical opinion then it can be stated that the leadership of the Head has a positive influence on
the Awareness of society in the pay of the UN.
Keywords: Head Of Leadership, Community Awareness In Pay The Earth and building tax

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