Pengaruh Hubungan Kerja Kemanusiaan Terhadap Proses Pengambilan Keputusan (Satu studi pada Kantor Kecamatan malalayang Manado)

Deky Bernad Raranta, Jhonny Hanny Posumah, Gustaf Tampi


As it known that human factors in administration (including management and
organization in the dynamic sense) holds a very important and decisive. The most
important and decisive, because other than humans have feelings and ratio as being
the noblest of God's creation, is also a determinant factor, because of the "elements"
of the site on the dimilki organization, such as: money, machine, material, method of
work, time and other riches that can benefit your organization
The activity of human relations, organization leaders trying to solve problems in work
situations and issues that impinge on his subordinate individually, so that way, they
can be excited towards more effective in an attempt to improve morale in the help
command in the decision-making process. Further more, Maier said that with the
approach of the huma relation, can be organised for eliminating obstacles obstacles of
communication, prevent misjudgments and develop constructive facet of human traits
The issue of decision-making at the time now this joyous attention from various
parties, both from among the leaders of the Government and the company, as well as
from scholars, the export and the students from various branches of science.
Has been the fact that the activities carried out within each organization, intended to
achieve the objectives of the Organization in question. And you want is all of the
activity or the activity can run smoothly and objectives can be achieved with effective
and efficient. But often occurred obstacles in carrying out activities. This is a problem
that should be solved by the leadership of the organization. In the context of this
decision as this develop from on leadership, a role of sagat holding a decisive in
maintaining the continuity of the activities of the Organization in order to not occur
stagasi (halt)
Key Words: Work, Humanitarian Relations, Decision Makin

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