Joseph Mundung, florence Daicy Lengkong, Femmy Tulusan


Abstract : Economic progress, organizations and government agencies are increasingly rapidly these
days makes human resources becomes a very important element for the progress of the organization
in terms of human resources such as, obedience work, the effectiveness and performance and
discipline will be of benefit to an organization in the government when the led by a leader in order to
achieve organizational goals. basically work discipline in the effectiveness of the organization has a
goal to steer the behavior of subordinates with a number of regulations that support the achievement
of objectives.
Formulation of the problem in this research are: leadership influence what is being implemented
by the employer in accordance with the perception of employees on the municipality's shoulder, how
the effectiveness of employees working on the municipality's shoulder, how much influence the
leadership of the effectiveness of employees on keluraha shoulder. netode research used in this
research use descriptive research method. descriptive method qualitative research aims to describe
and understand carefully the phenomena that will be made in research for hypothesis testing
purposes or to answer research questions and as a tool to control the variables that affect the
research. the results of this study include: communication, responsibility, coaching and motivation
can be concluded that concludes the influence of leadership to the staff of the shoulder, very
influential in the spirit and work effectiveness due to the influence of environmental leadership in the
ravine the shoulder can make the effectiveness of the work in the shoulder become more disciplined,
responsible for employment and more courteous in serving the community.
Key words: Leadership, effectiveness

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