Peranan Hubungan Kerja Kemanusiaan Terhadap Proses Pengambilan Keputusan (Suatu Studi Pada Kantor Kecamatan Malalayang Kota Manado)

Grace Manimpurung, Martha Ogotan, Femmy Tulusan


human relations are already implemented in the life of the Organization, both private and
governmental, but kenayataan showed that not a few others agencies or Government agencies that
are less attention to certain aspects of the approach to human relations, especially with regard to
issues of concern the nature of the psychological, social and batiniah. One example of a case which
can be removed in this study is in the Sub-district offices environments Malalayang as objects of
research. This research aims to know the role of the humanitarian work of the decision making
process in the Office of subdistrict malalayang.
This research uses a type of quantitative research using existing formulas.
In this study have been reflected clearly the role of the humanitarian work of the existing decision
making processes in the Office of subdistrict Malalayang
Keywords: Employment Relationships, Humanity, The Decision

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