Efektivitas Kerja Pemerintah Kota Manado dalam Program Bantuan Korban Banjir di Kecamatan Wanea Kota Manado

Christian David Timban, Jantje Mandey, Femmy Tulusan


Catastrophic floods which occurred in the town of manado on 15 January 2014 to date is one of the largest floods
ever to occur in North Sulawesi manado city in particular. And the Government of the city of manado in the disaster relief
especially in aid disaster victims have good planning but have not been effective in its application to see there are still
many citizens of disaster victims who are still living and settled in the disaster site with circumstances that could not be
said to be as good as before they suffered a disaster, because of the uneven in its application to all disaster victims in
district wanea.
In this study uses qualitative methods to describe conditions that actually happened in a field supported by
interviews to the informant-informant, observations of direct, search documents – documents and documentation. The
focus of this research was to determine the effectiveness of government aid programs in manado city wanea from program
planning, quality of service/program, the organizers of the program and satisfaction. The results showed that in general
the overall results of interviews about the effectiveness of the work of the Government of the city of manado in aid flood
victims in district wanea manado City gives the conclusion that the aid program for flood victims in wanea district of the
city of manado is quite good but not yet effective.
Key words: effectiveness of work Programs help flood victims

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