Peranan Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah Dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Langsung Dalam Meningkatkan Partisipasi Masyarakat Di Kabupaten Halmahera Timur

Frangky Ngongare, Masje Silija Pangkey, Deysi Livi Tampongangoy


ABSTRACT : This research aims to know the role of the Regional Electoral Commission in organizing the
election head East halmahera Regency area. And to know how the electoral region of East Halmahera
Regency in increasing participation in the election of the head of the region. Electoral Commission is chosen
and defined by law the inaugural election, where at the beginning of its formation, the Electoral Commission
is the agency that consists of people who are nonpartisan and most of the colleges and non-governmental
people. The regional Election Commission is subordinate to the Central Electoral Commission to organize the
elections are tiered.
The research methods used in this research is qualitative, descriptive methods, using primary data collection
techniques. While the primary informants amounted to 3 people, yaitu: 1. Technical Defisi technical election
subsection coconut and public relations Head of Sub-Division 3 programs and data and additional informants,
those who can provide information although not directly involved in social interaction that is thorough, people
namely , academic, and religious figures.
From the results of the examination can be conclude that the performance of the Regional Electoral
Commission East Halmahera in increasing community participation in elections of the head of the area can
already say good, because in this case there is the occurrence of an increasing number of voters being 70%, in
addition also many promotional activities and socialization activities performed by the Regional Electoral
Commission in order to attract sympathetic community. Reference from the conclusions above, in order that
the Commission recommend to the regional elections of East Halmahera can be more enterprising again
socialisation in order public participation in choosing the higher.
Key words: Regional Electoral Commission and community participation

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