Arfia Umaternate, Sonny Rompas, Gustaf Budi Tampi


This research aims to to know how to influence the motivation of work (external and Internal) in the
Office of Cooperative Peace Subdistrict Tikala then to know the motivations which are the most influential in
the labor productivity of the employees at the Office of Cooperative Peace Tikala Subdistrict. Given the
importance of motivation, then a form of management's attention on the issue of employee motivation in
working is to do business with the way giving motivation in employees in certain business through a series of
cooperative in accordance with the policy of the cooperative, so the motivation of employees in work will be
maintained. To motivate employees, cooperative leader should know the motives and motivations that are
desired by those employees increased productivity is essentially a process terminating an alloy of various
The methods used in this research is quantitative methods. With the technique of gathering research
library and field research. In the study which became population is thriving, Cooperative Office employee at
Sub Tikala totalling 54 people. That becomes the variable X (Motivation) and becomes the variable Y
(Motivational performance).
From the results of the analysis, the results obtained that external motivation (working conditions, a
good Boss, Financial and social Assurance) gives influence in the improved productivity performance of the
cooperative. While the analysis obtained from internal motivation (a job that is fun, challenging Work, and
interesting work) exert influence in increasing productivity. External and internal motivation effect
simultaneously on performance of employees. This is proven by the regression coefficient of external
motivation is greater than internal motivation. The influence of motivation in organization of higher employee
to productivity, so as to enhance cooperative targets set. Then recommend to the company in order to
maximize internal motivation. Because when the external and internal motivation is given with a balanced
employee then it is definitely on the rise. The company should pay more attention to external motivation on
communication between the employee and the employer, when an employee feels comfortable with the
automatic communication of their work productivity increased. A leader should pay attention to the rights of
employees who perform by giving rewards to motivate employees, satisfying the needs of individuals in the
organization. Employee motivation should be heeded by the leadership, so that the specified targets or in the
expected by the company can be accomplished according to demands of the company.
Keys words: Motivation, increased work productivity

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