ABSTRACT: Background: The public service as any service, either in the form of public goods and public
services that, in principle, be the responsibility of central or local government agencies in an effort to meet
the needs of the community or the implementation of the provisions of the legislation. Integrated one-stop
service is one of the government's efforts in improving the quality of public services particularly related to
licensing services. Quality of service required permission billboards as one of the factors that drive the
success of a particular company to improve its business. Methods: Using qualitative research methods
with the aim of this study was to evaluate the results of policies permit services advertisement on
Integrated Licensing Service Agency of Manado. Data collection techniques in this study through
observation or field notes directly to the location of research, conduct interviews and documentation.
Discussion: The results of the evaluation showed that service policies permit billboards in BP2T has not
been equally effective because there are still some things that are not as it should be such a lack of
coordination with the technical team, the level of satisfaction is not maximized, the realization of the
targets which have not been optimal, human resources are still less . Conclusions: Policy billboard permit
services already shown good results but not maximum so there is still room for improvement for the next
year so that the results achieved can be maximized.
Keywords: Evaluation of Public Policy, Permit Services Advertising.
services that, in principle, be the responsibility of central or local government agencies in an effort to meet
the needs of the community or the implementation of the provisions of the legislation. Integrated one-stop
service is one of the government's efforts in improving the quality of public services particularly related to
licensing services. Quality of service required permission billboards as one of the factors that drive the
success of a particular company to improve its business. Methods: Using qualitative research methods
with the aim of this study was to evaluate the results of policies permit services advertisement on
Integrated Licensing Service Agency of Manado. Data collection techniques in this study through
observation or field notes directly to the location of research, conduct interviews and documentation.
Discussion: The results of the evaluation showed that service policies permit billboards in BP2T has not
been equally effective because there are still some things that are not as it should be such a lack of
coordination with the technical team, the level of satisfaction is not maximized, the realization of the
targets which have not been optimal, human resources are still less . Conclusions: Policy billboard permit
services already shown good results but not maximum so there is still room for improvement for the next
year so that the results achieved can be maximized.
Keywords: Evaluation of Public Policy, Permit Services Advertising.
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