Evaluasi Dampak Kebijakan Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Pnpm) Mandiri Perkotaan Terhadap Kondisi Ekonomi Masyarakat (Suatu Studi Di Kecamatan Sario Kota Manado)

Kevin Hizkia Wongkar, Jantje Mandey, Jericho Denga Pombengi


ABSTRACK : The most prominent problems experienced by countries that are developing is
poverty. Starting in 2007, the Indonesian government launched a national program of
community empowerment independent (PNPM). Manado city, especially in Sub Sario as the
location of this research has been carried PNPM Urban, but according to the results of
preliminary observations, indicated not optimal, where the community of beneficiaries have not /
less feel the direct benefits of the program. Thus, this research, in addition to answering some of
the problems also aims to: Analyze the impact / influence policy implementation of the National
Program for Community Empowerment autonomy Urban to improved economic conditions,
particularly in Sub Sario Manado City, and knowing the differences in socio-economic
conditions of the District Sario between conditions early (before the implementation of policies
PNPM) and the condition now (after the implementation of policies PNPM) Urban. This study
used a survey method explanation (explanatory survey method), the purpose of this study will
explain the impact of policy implementation of the National Program for Community
Empowerment (PNPM) independent Urban to economic conditions.
The results showed that the average economic conditions after the application of PNPM
Urban obtained 29.4 or in the ideal measurement scale of 0:59, or 59%, while the economic
conditions prior to the implementation of PNPM Urban, an average of only 28.7 or of 0.574 or
57.4%, so that there is a difference, which is about 1.6%. This means that an increase in the
economic conditions of village communities in the District Sario Manado City after the
implementation of the PNPM Urban of 1.6%. It indicates that programs are implemented, both
urban and Infrastructure development programs empowering community programs, especially
capacity building, strengthening business management and venture capital as well as the creation
of the business climate can give a positive impact on the economic conditions of society
enhancement village itself.

KEYWORDS : Impact Evaluation Policy, PNPM Urban

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