Muhammad Aldino Mokoginta, florence Daicy Lengkong, Joyce Jacinta Rares


Abstract : Excellent service to the community is the most prominent issues in managing public services
today. His vigorous demands made by the community to the Government to implement the Organization of
good governance in line with the increase in the level of the knowledge society, in addition to the presence
of the influence of globalization. Old patterns of organization of the Government does not comply with the
order of people's lives that have been changed. It encourages researchers to review the existing public
services of Kecamatan Offices in Malalayang Manado city.
Methods used in this research is descriptive method of analysis, with data collection through surveys and
interviews with voters question form the necessary information in this study. In this study, respondents
selected by purposive sampling. The respondents in this study is a community that takes care of Manado
city ID card, KK, birth certificate, and the certificate of the subdistrict office Moved Malalayang that add
up to 80 people, with the consideration that they may represent a population research. The data analyzed
in the descriptive analysis by descriptive statistics using a frequency distribution table.
The results showed that: (1) the application of the principles of transparency and accountability in the
public service in the Office of Sub-district is a low level Malalayang means not yet implemented properly;
(2) the productivity of the public service in the low category, meaning that Kecamatan offices of Ministers
apparatus Malalayang is less able to work in the public service in accordance with the expectations of the
organization i.e. work achieve the mission and objectives of the Organization; (3) the quality of the public
service work in the Office of Subdistrict Malalayang in category is low, meaning that it has not been in
accordance with the expectations and desires of the community.
The research gives the conclusion that the public service's Office in Manado city Malalayang Sub-district
has not been implemented as expected. For it suggested more needs to be increased transparency and
accountability of public service, public service, productivity and quality of work of public service.
Keywords: Organizing, Public Service, Office Of Sub-district

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Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado

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