RIRIN BUDIMAN, Salmin Dengo, Joorie Marhaen Ruru


ABSTRACT : In accordance with the mandate of Law number thirty-two year two thousand and four and
Government Regulation number nineteen year two thousand and eight, Head for the implementation of
the regional autonomy policy has the task of carrying out public service administration in the district, and
handles most affairs of autonomy bestowed by the regent or mayor and the authority of the government
district with it, this study will answer the question: how effective maintenance tasks in the implementation
of district Sub regional autonomy policy in Tahuna. Date This study uses Qualitative. Informant in this
study consisted of fourteen people from the district government officials (four people), elements of
leadership in the district or autonomous institution of the Department or Agency Unit (two people),
management agency vertically (two people), Leader ( three people), and heads of organizations or public
institutions (two men) .Instruments in this study is the researchers themselves, while primary data
collection by interview. Date analysis is an analysis model of Miles and Hubernann Interactive. Based on
these results at the district Sangihe Regency Tahuna can be deduced: (A) The effectiveness of the head
maintenance tasks in the field of public service in general is good governance and effective, but there is still
not maximized (B) Effectiveness district maintenance tasks in handling affairs of regional autonomy
granted by the Regent on generally is good and effective, but there is still not maximized. Right on these
conclusions, the recommended suggestions: (A) The coordination of the implementation of the common
tasks of governance needs to be improved through regular coordination meetings every month with all the
autonomous institutions and agencies existing vertical sub region, with the village government, and should
also involve the leadership of the organization or public institutions at the district level; (B) Task district in
handling affairs of regional autonomy granted by the regent should be clearly formulated in a District
Regulation district as a reference in formulating programs and activities.

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