Manajemen Keuangan Desa Sebagai Faktor Penentu Keberhasilan Pembangunan Desa (Studi Kasus di Desa Kanonang Empat Kec. Kawangkoan Barat)

Tiara Mariana Moniung, Jantje Mandey, Very Londa


ABSTRACT : Management is a process of organization achievement by efforts from peoples.
Management is a kind of special thought from leadership in order to attain the organization goals.
The financial management of village is a factor who determined the successful of development and
help process of the village development. Village financial is a rights and responsible in government
organized who can be valued with money included all the type of wealth who related with rights
and responsible of the village.
Whereas who including the local government budget (LGB) village is the annual financial
planning of village government are investigated and approved together with the village government
and LGB who determined by regulation of the village.
Effectiveness in village financial process through good financial management system that will
increase the successful in village development. The organized of government village include
Government organized, Government affairs, and empowerment of villages communities.
Village development is whole activities of development that run on village, include whole aspect of
the entire citizen life that who operate in harmony with mutual cooperation. The Indicator of
successful development village basically is a real repair in overall the life condition of society,
because the construction is always a process of improvement of a state to a better state.
Village development is a development that can be interpreted as a conscious efforts in a
series of activities to achieve a change from bad situation to better situation performed by a certain
people in the country.
Key Word : Financial Management, Development

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