Prediksi Struktur Tiga Dimensi Protein β-NGF (Nerve Growth Factor) Burung Merpati (Columba livia)

Nur Alam, I Made Budiarsa, Dewi Tureni


Protein β-NGF berperan dalam kelangsungan hidup sel neuron dan diferensiasi embrio aves yang diekspresikan oleh gen NGF. Informasi protein β-NGF telah diidentifikasi pada ayam dan masih terbatas dilaporkan pada merpati. Tujuan penelitian adalah memprediksi struktur tiga dimensi protein β-NGF merpati untuk menambah informasi karakter proteinnya. Protein target diperoleh dari server UniProt dengan kode akses B4ZE95. Prediksi struktur tiga dimensi dan karakterisasi protein β-NGF menggunakan server SWISS-MODEL dan program Chimera. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa protein β-NGF merpati dan template memiliki nilai identity sebesar 89,91%, QMEAN 0,51 serta GMQE sebesar 0,44. Struktur tiga dimensi protein B4ZE95 memiliki  asam amino hidrofobik (Ile, Leu, Trp, Phe, Val, Ala, Gly, Met, Cys); karboksil (Glu, Ser, Asp); amina (Lys, Thr) dengan 83 ikatan hidrogen.

Kata kunci: columba livia, chimera, protein β-NGF, swiss-model

 Three Dimensional Protein Structure Prediction of β-NGF

(Nerve Growth Factor) on Pigeon (Columba livia)


The β-NGF protein plays a role in the survival of neuron cells and differentiation of avian embryo which is expressed by NGF gene. Information of β -NGF protein was identified in chicken and it is still limited reported in pigeon. The purpose of this study is to predict the three-dimensional structure of pigeon β-NGF protein to add information about its protein character. The target protein is obtained from UniProt server with access code B4ZE95. The prediction of three-dimensional structure and characterization of β-NGF protein were carried out using SWISS-MODEL server and Chimera program. The analysis showed that pigeon β-NGF protein and template had identity of 89,91%, QMEAN 0,51 and GMQE of 0,44. The three-dimensional structure of the B4ZE95 protein has hydrophobic amino acids namely (Ile, Leu, Trp, Phe, Val, Ala, Gly, Met, Cys); carboxyl namely (Glu, Ser, Asp); amine namely (Lys, Thr) with 83 hydrogen bonds.

Keywords: columba livia, chimera, protein β-NGF, swiss model

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