Hety B Lahope, Stenly Wullur, Joice Rimper, Henneke Pangkey, IFM Rumengan


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan minute rotifer (rotifer berukuran kecil) yang ada di perairan Sulawesi Utara yang memiliki potensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan awal larva ikan laut. Sampling rotifer dilakukan di tujuh lokasi estuari yang berbeda dengan menggunakan plankton net (mata jaring 40 mm). Prosedur identifikasi rotifer didasarkan pada tampakan morfologi. Morfometri dilakukan di bawah mikroskop pembesaran 40-100x yang terhubung dengan sebuah komputer untuk visualisasi dan pengukuran. Tiga spesies minute rotifer berhasil diisolasi dari tiga lokasi estuari berbeda. Colurella sp. diisolasi dari sebuah kolam payau (salinitas 25 ppt) yang dipenuhi sampah rumah tangga di Tumpaan Kabupaten Minahasa. Lecane sp. cf Lecane quadridentata (Lecane) diisolasi dari sebuah tambak payau (salinitas 17 ppt) di Meras Kota Manado dan Lecane sp. cf Lecane papuana di muara sebuah sungai kecil (salinitas <3 ppt) di Tateli Kabupaten Minahasa. Semua minute rotifer yang ditemukan ini berhasil didomestikasi dan menunjukkan adaptasi positif dalam pemeliharaan berbasis mikroalga. Colurella sp, Lecane sp. cf L. quadridentata dan Lecane sp. cf L. papuana memiliki ukuran panjang lorika (PL) masing-masing (97,10 ± 3,58 mm, 130,83 ± 12,06 mm dan 118,70 ± 5,46 mm) sedangkan lebar lorika (55,37 ± 2,04 mm, 91,95 ± 10,58 mm dan 101,28 ± 6,623 mm) yang secara signifikan lebih kecil dari B. rotundi­formis (PL 167,41 ± 9,10 mm dan LL 122,44 ± 7,29 mm) (p<0,05), sehingga berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan seba­gai pakan awal larva ikan laut yang membutuhkan pakan berukuran lebih kecil.

Kata kunci: minute rotifer, Lecane sp, Colurella sp, larva


This study aims to get minute rotifers (small rotifers) in the waters of North Sulawesi which has the potential to be used as starting food for marine fish larvae. The sampling for rotifers was conducted in seven different estuarine locations using plankton net (mesh size 40 mm). Rotifer identification proce­dure was based on morphological appearances. Morphometric observations were conducted under 40-100x magnification microscope connected to a computer for visualization and measurement. Three roti­fer species were able to be isolated from three different estuarine locations. Colurella sp. was isolated from a brackish pond (salinity of 25 ppt) which were filled with household garbage in Tumpaan, Mina­hasa regency. Lecane sp. cf Lecane quadridentata (Lecane) was isolated from a brackish pond (salinity of 17 ppt) in Meras-Manado and Lecane sp. cf Lecane papuana at the estuary of a small river (salinity <3 ppt) in Tateli, Minahasa regency. All minute rotifers were successfully domesticated and showed po­sitive adaptation in microalgae-based rearing. Colurella sp, Lecane sp. cf L. quadridentata and Lecane sp. cf L. papuana have lorica length (PL) of 97.10 ± 3.58 mm, 130.83 ± 12.06 mm, and 118.70 ± 5.46 mm, respectively, and lorica width (LL) of 55.37 mm ± 2.04, 91.95 ± 10.58 mm, and 101.28 ± 6.623 mm. They were significantly smaller than B. rotundiformis (PL of 167.41 ± 9.10 mm and LL 122.44 ± 7.29 mm) (p<0.05), which are commonly used in larva rearing. Thus these rotifers have potentials to be used as starting food for marine fish larvae that need a smaller size food.

Keywords: Minute rotifer, Lecane sp, Colurella sp, larva

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35800/jpkt.9.1.2013.3446


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