Davidson R Nono, Farnis B Boneka, Grevo S Gerung


Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di Taman Nasional Bunaken yakni Pantai Pulau Nain dan Tanjung Arakan pada bulan Februari 2012. Penelitian dimulai dengan menyusuri pantai pada pagi hingga siang hari saat air sedang surut dengan menggunakan alat snorkeling. Penelitian ini berhasil menemukan 15 jenis siput dari 9 famili dan 5 jenis alga makro dari 3 famili.  Komunitas siput gastropoda di kedua stasiun penelitian memiliki nilai indeks kesamaan sebesar 63%. Sedangkan komunitas alga makro memiliki nilai indeks kesamaan sebesar 75%. Hal tersebut menyatakan bahwa siput gastropoda dan alga makro di kedua stasiun penelitian relatif memiliki kesamaan dalam komposisi jenis. Untuk siput jenis Strombus labiatus, Strombus sp 1, Strombus urceus, Pyrene scripta, Cerithium rostratum, Cymatium vespacium, Phasianella solida, Vexillum vulpecullum, Gyrineum bituberculare dan Clanculus atropurpureus lebih cenderung memilih alga makro jenis Halimeda opuntia sebagai habitatnya. Relung ekologi Pyrene scripta di Tanjung Arakan dan Pulau Nain memiliki nilai yang tertinggi (maksimum). Hal ini menandakan bahwa siput Pyrene scripta merupakan siput yang generalis karena tersebar pada hampir seluruh jenis alga makro.

Kata kunci: Taman Nasional Bunaken, gastropoda, alga makro, kesamaan komunitas, relung ekologi.


Samples were collected from Nain Island and Arakan Cape in Bunaken National Park area, in February 2012. The collection was conducted by snorkeling along the coastline in the morning, when the tide was low. This study found 15 species of slugs from nine families and 5 species of macro algae from three families. Communities of gastropod snails in both research stations have similarity index value of 63%, while the macro algae communities have similarity index value of 75%. This indicated that the gastropod snails and macro algae from both study sites were relatively similar concerning their species composition. Some slugs such as Strombus labiatus, Strombus sp 1, Strombus urceus, Pyrene scripta, Cerithium rostratum, Cymatium vespacium, Phasianella solida, Vexillum vulpecullum, Gyrineum bituberculare and Clanculus atropurpureus were more likely to choose the Halimeda Opuntia macro algae as their habitat. Ecological niche of Pyrene scripta on the Arakan Cape and Nain Island showed the highest value (maximum). This indicated that Pyrene scripta are generalized species that lived on nearly all types of macro algae.

Keywords: Bunaken National Park, gastropoda, macro algae, similarity community, ecological niche.

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