Pengaruh Promosi Penjuaan Pada Media Sosial Terhadap Perilaku Konsumen Dalam Pembelian Barang Online Shop di Desa Tounelet Kecamatan Kakas

Natalia Sandy Sumirah, Mariam Sondakh, Lingkan Tulung


In the last five years internet business is growing. Business is meant here is an online shop or shopping through the internet or shopping online. There are various obstacles that often occur in online shopping, such as sellers who disappear after the buyer made the payment, the goods sent are not in accordance with the promised or not in accordance with the image in the Online Shop, the size of the ordered is not appropriate, and so forth. then the purpose of this study is to determine whether there is influence sales promotion on social media on consumer behavior in purchasing goods online shop in Tounelet Village District Kakas. Marketing communication consists of two important elements, namely communication and marketing. Promotion is one of the most important variables implemented by the company in marketing its products or services. online shopping is an innovation that was originally just a network of information used for activities such as browsing, chatting, and email. One model that is often used to determine the effect of advertising on consumer behavior is AIDA model.and for Consumer behavior theory is SOR. The method used in this research is correlational method with quantitative approach. With a population of 432 and the sample taken amounted to 43 respondents. From the results of data analysis by looking at the determination coefficient (R Square) found to show the level of influence strong.

keywords: sales promotion, consumer behavior

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