Persepsi Orang Tua Tentang Tayangan Upin Ipin MNC TV Dalam Penggunaan Bahasa Melayu Pada Masyarakat Kelurahan Taratara 2 Kecamatan Tomohon Barat

Winda Makal


Abstract. Along with the development of communication and information technology that is so rapid, media that can be said to be cheap and can be reached by all walks of life is one factor in the rapid development of television both in terms of the public's need for information and entertainment, and also in terms of the development of the world television industry when this. Not a few problems related to broadcast or television shows that can damage behavior and a person's culture. With the television show Upin Ipin that uses Malay, not Indonesian in Taratara 2, many elementary school-age children start using Malay in their daily life, even if it is only in a light context, for example, in jest. The main problem is the perception of parents in Upin Ipin shows that use Malay. This research uses descriptive research method with the theory of Uses and Gratification because this theory is quite good in supporting a study related to television shows. This study collected data using techniques using questionnaires distributed to respondents. Many parents who do not agree with the use of Malay, it would be better if the Upin Ipin program uses Indonesian text translation.
Keywords: Perception, Mass Media, Television Industry

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