Analisis Struktur Modal Pada PT.Bank Sulut Manado

angela mailoa umboh


Abstract : Optimal capital structure is a balance between the use of their own capital with
long-term loans; intention is how much of their own with the use of long-term loan that
will be used so that it can optimal.Struktur capital or funding decisions will greatly affect
the performance of the company. The purpose of this study is as follows: "To determine
the capital structure made in PT. Bank of North Sulawesi, Manado. "Capital is a power in
the form of money or capital goods that have not been used, which are recorded in the
balance sheet and to the next debit is kredit.Struktur capital financing to strengthen the
capital structure of the company do with its own capital and sourced of long-term debt. In
this research method digunakanadalah descriptive method of using the table, the financial
statements are based on financial ratios Perusahaan.Yang approach the target of the
object of this study is to analyze Manado.Dalam PT Bank Sulawesi in PT Bank Sulawesi
capital structure ratio, the formula ratio used is Leverage ratio. This ratio indicates how
far a company luar.Pada difinansier by the total liabilities (total liability) encountered
kenaikkan.Pada the capital (equity) in 2011, the total capital of the company PT. Bank of
North Sulawesi had kenaikan.Pada the profit and loss statement in 2011. Decline in
strengthening the capital structure of the PT. Bank of North Sulawesi, efforts should be
made for additional capital through the sale of shares as an increase in income from
operation sand other businesses.
Keywords: capital structure.

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