Fathia Syawie, J. H. Posumah, Burhannuddin Kiya


Since democracy became the main attributes of a modern state, then the representative institutions is the main mechanism for the realization of the normative idea that government should be run by the will of the people. The authority of a government will depend on its ability to transform the will and aspirations of the people as the highest value over the will of the state. On the basis of the normative principle, in practice the democratic life of a country, the legislature has a central position which is reflected in the doctrine of the sovereignty of the people and the sovereignty of representative institutions.
The essence of democracy is people's involvement (participation) both in governance, development and public services as well as in conducting control over what is being done and will be done the government, either directly or through their representatives in the Regional Representatives Council (DPRD) whose members are directly elected by local people through the Electoral (Election) legislators.
The aim in this study was to mengetahuai how the Election Commission's role in determining the effectiveness of legislative candidates method used in this study is a research method with mengĀ¬gunakan qualitative approach, in which the research is descriptive. Analysis techniques used in this research is qualitative descriptive analysis.
Based on these results and in accordance with the answers given from the informant to researchers THAT Results description of the data showed that all indicators of the effectiveness of the role of the Election Commission in the determination of local legislative candidates, can be said to be "quite effective", although it has not achieved optimally. This of course there are some inhibiting factors. There are three factors inhibiting the effectiveness of the Election Commission's role in setting the legislative aggota candidate regions, namely: the relative lack of experience of members of the Election Commission, the factor of financing / financial limited and still relatively weak commitment Political Parties nominate candidates for election participant in the legislative area.
Keywords: Effective Role of the Election Commission

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