PROSES ADAPTASI MAHASISWA SORONG DI KECAMATAN MALALAYANG KOTA MANADO (Studi pada mahasiswa Sorong Selatan di Kelurahan Malalayang 1 Kecamatan Malalayang Kota Manado)

Michel Talabessy, A. Walandouw, J. W. Londa


The adaptation process of Sorong student at District Malalayang, Manado (study on South Sorong students at district Malalayang 1 Manado City). Intercultural interaction is a phenomenon that happened in human daily life. The social interaction variety is in their tone, habit, nonverbal threat, etc. Culture gives an identity to a group of people that can be identified from their communication and languages.

The communication system, verbal and non verbal, will differentiate each groups. There are certain needs like education or job that caused a man or a group move to another area. It has happened to Papua students especially from area Sorong Selatan who come to Manado for an education matters. In the process of their adaptation with Manado society who lives in Malalayang district through communication. But there are some problems in every approachment caused by some differential culture, or pattern of coomunication. For example way of communication, life style, habit.

The response from Manado society to Papua student are not good. Mostly they are jerk, fighter, stubborn, which are will effect to the process of adaptation. Yet on side of Papua student, if they already know each other, they will be very nice, funny, and love to laugh. Some matters will become a problem in their adaptation process, that tried to find the answer through this research with purpose to know how is the process of adaptation of Sorong student at District Malalayang, Manado.

This research is using the communication accommodation theory and qualitative method. Result: By the time, the Sorong student can recognize the Manado society culture and habit. The media of communication that used in the process are through the group aproachment based on the similarity of need, hobby.

Advice: Sorong student have to be more involve in a lot of activities either in campus or outside campus so that can be adapt faster with the manado people and remember for their main purpose to come to Manado is study. And do not so easy to be affected with the negative things that will harm in the future.

Keyword: the process of adaptation, communication accommodation theory, society.

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