ANALISIS KEUNTUNGAN USAHATANI SAYURAN SELADA HIDROPONIK PADA URBAN FARMING di BATUKOTA KECAMATAN MALALAYANG KOTA MANADO (Profit Analysis of Hydroponic Lettuce Farming in Urban Farming in Batu Kota, Malalayang Sub District, Manado City)

Herlina E. M. Abraham, Joachim N. K. Dumais, Caroline B. D. Pakasi


The objective of this study is to analyze the profits of hydroponic lettuce farming in Urban Farming in Batu Kota, Malalayang SubDistrict, Manado City. Data analysis method used in this research is quantitative analysis. Quantitative analysis is used to determine the advantages of hydroponic lettuce farming in Urban Farming Business by counting the difference between revenue and cost. Data in this research is primary and secondary data. Primary data was obtained through observation and interviews using direct questionnaires at the hydroponic Urban Farming research site through direct interviews between researchers and respondents, namely business owners. Secondary data is the collection of data and research materials obtained from books, internet, through google, theses, journals and other sources.

The results showed that the total revenue from the Hydroponic Lettuce business was Rp.3,200,000, while the total cost incurred in the lettuce production process during the 1.5 month planting period is Rp.913,609.20. Therefore, the profit of Hydroponic Lettuce Farming on Urban Farming in Batu City, Malalayang Sub District, Manado City was Rp.2,286,390.80 for 1.5 months of planting period.


farming profit analysis, hydroponic lettuce vegetables

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Setiawan, H. 2017. Kiat Sukses Budidaya Cabai Hidroponik. Bio Genesis.Yogyakarta.


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