Pengaruh latihan core-strengthening terhadap stabilitas trunkus dan keseimbangan pasien pasca stroke

Paulina E. Wowiling, Lidwina S. Sengkey, Julius H. Lolombulan


Abstract: This study aimed to analyze whether core-strengthening exercise could correct trunk stability and increase balance in post stroke patients. This was an experimental study with a pretest – posttest group design. Subjects were trained to perform the core strengthening exercise for 12 sessions. The trunk stability was evaluated with trunk impairment scale (TIS) and the balance was evaluated with Berg balance scale (BBS) and timed up and go test (TUG). Data were analyzed with the paired T-test and the Wilcoxon test. The results showed that there were 23 subjects that met the inclusion criteria. Of the 23 subjects, only 19 subjects completed the 12 sessions of exercise. The statistical analysis showed that there were significant increases of TIS (P <0.0001), BBS (P <0.0001), and TUG (P <0.0001) after the whole exercise. Conclusion: Core-strengthening exercise improved trunk stability as wel as static and dynamic balance in post stroke patients.
Keywords: core-strengthening exercise, trunk stability, static and dynamic balance

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sejauh mana latihan core-strengthening memperbaiki stabilitas trunkus dan meningkatkan keseimbangan pada pasien pascastroke. Jenis penelitian ini ialah eksperimental dengan pretest–posttest group design. Subjek penelitian ialah 23 pasien pasca stroke yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Perlakuan yang diberikan ialah latihan core-strengthening sebanyak12 sesi. Penilaian stabilitas trunkus menggunakan trunk impairment scale (TIS) sedangkan keseimbangan diukur dengan Berg balance scale (BBS) dan timed up and go test (TUG). Data dianalisis menggunakan uji T berpasangan dan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan dari 23 subjek penelitian hanya 19 yang menyelesaian 12 sesi latihan, Analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa setelah dilakukan latihan penguatan trunkus sebanyak 12 sesi didapatkan peningkatan bermakna dari TIS (P <0,0001), BBS (P <0,0001), dan TUG (P <0,0001). Simpulan: Latihan core-strengthening dapat memperbaiki stabilitas trunkus serta keseimbangan statik dan dinamik pada pasien pasca stroke.
Kata kunci: Latihan core-strengthening, stabilitas trunkus, keseimbangan statik dan dinamik

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