Kesesuaian computed tomography scan-base scoring system dengan hasil sitologi cairan pleura dalam membedakan efusi pleura maligna dan benigna

Herdi Arnawan, Nikmatia Latief, Muhammad Ilyas


Abstract: The research aims at assessing the congruity CT scan-base scoring system according to Porcel  and the pleural fluid cytology result in distinguishing the malignant from benign pleural effusions. The research used the diagnostic test  by assessing the congruity CT scan-base scoring system according to Porcel  with pleural fluid cytology result  in distinguishing the malignant from benign pleural effusions through the Chi-square test and assessing the sensitivity and specificity of the pleural effusion score. The research result indicates that there are 71 samples with the pleural effusion undergoing the examinations of the chest MSCT scan and pleural fluid cytology in General Central Hospital dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar, from September 2019 to August 2020, in which there are 26 samples with the malignant pleural effusion and 45 samples with benign pleural effusion. There is significant correlation between CT scan-base scoring system according to Porcel and the pleural fluid cytology result, in which the score < 7 indicates the benign pleural effusion, while the score ≥ 7 indicates the malignant pleural effusion, with the sensitivity of 88.4% (73.1 – 88.5 %) and specificity of 75.5% (73.1 – 88.5 %). The positive predictive value 67.6%, negative predictive value is 91.8%.

Keywords: pleural effusion; malignant pleural effusion; CT scan-base scoring system; pleural metastasis

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kesesuaian  CT scan-base  scoring system menurut Porcel dengan hasil sitologi cairan pleura dalam membedakan efusi pleura maligna dan benigna.  Penelitian ini merupakan uji diagnostic, dengan menilai kesesuaian CT scan base scoring system menurut Porcel dengan hasil sitology cairan pleura dalam membedakan EPM dan EPB melalui Chi Sqaretest serta menilai sensitivitas dan spesifisitas dari skor efusi pleura.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat 71 sampel dengan efusi pleura yang menjalani pemeriksaan MSCT-scan thorax dan sitology cairan pleura di RSUP dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar, periode September 2019 sampai Agustus 2020 yang masuk dalam penelitian kami, dimana terdapat 26 sampel EPM dan 45 sampel  EPB. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara CT scan base scoring system menurut Porcel dengan hasil sitology cairan pleura, dengan skor < 7, yang menunjukan EPB, sedangkan skor ≥ 7 yang menunjukan EPM, dengan sensitivitas 88.4% (73.1 – 88.5 %) dan spesifisitas 75.5% (73.1 – 88.5 %); nilai prediksi positif 67.6%; nilai prediksi negatif 91.8%.

Kata kunci: efusi pleura; efusi pleura maligna; CT scan base scoring system; metastasis pleura.

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