Induksi Akar Rambut Gandarusa (Justicia gendarussa Burm. f.) dengan Perlakuan Perbedaan Lama Waktu Infeksi Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain YM072001 dan A4T (The Induction of Gandarusa (Justicia gendarussa Burm. f.) Hairy Root under Different Infection
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginduksi akar rambut eksplan daun Gandarusa (Justicia gendarussa Burm.f.) dengan perlakuan perbedaan lama waktu infeksi Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain YM072001 dan A4T dan mengevaluasi lama waktu infeksi terbaik untuk induksi akar rambut. Eksplan daun diinokulasi di media MS (Murashige dan Skoog) cair yang berisi bakteri Agrobacterium rhizogenes dengan OD600= 0,1 selama 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, dan 60 menit. Kokultivasi di MS padat selama 2 hari, lalu disubkultur ke media MS padat. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Akar rambut mulai tumbuh pada minggu ketiga. Induksi akar rambut berhasil pada eksplan dengan perlakuan strain YMB072001 dengan lama waktu infeksi 20, 40, dan 50 menit. Strain A4T juga berhasil menginduksi eksplan membentuk akar rambut dengan perlakuan 10 menit. Lama waktu infeksi terbaik untuk strain YMB072001 adalah 20 menit dan untuk strain A4T adalah 10 menit.
Kata kunci: Agrobacterium rhizogenes, akar rambut, Justicia gendarussaBurm. f., waktu infeksi
The objective of this study were to induce hairy root of Gandarusa leaf explants by differences of Agrobacterium rhizogenes infection time treatment and to evaluate the best infection time for induction. Leaf explants were inoculated on MS (Murashige dan Skoog) liquid medium with bacterial concentrations of OD600= 0,1 for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 minutes and 2 days co-cultivated on MS0 solid medium then sub cultured on MS0 solid medium. Data were analyzed descriptively. Hairy roots were growing on the third week. Explants were successfully induced by strain YMB 072001 at 20, 40, and 50 minutes treatment. A4T strain was successfully induced by 10 minute of treatment. The best infection time for hairy root induction in gandarusa leaf explants for YMB 072001 strains was 20 minutes and for A4T strain was 10 minutes.
Keywords: Agrobacterium rhizogenes, hairy root, infection time,Justicia gendarussaBurm. f.