Efektifitas Daun Sirsak (Anona muricata L) dan Daun Gamal (Gliricidia sepium) dalam Pengendalian Hama Walang Sangit (Leptocorisa acuta T) pada Tanaman padi Effectiveness of Soursop Leaf (Anona muricata L) and Gliricidia Leaf (Gliricidia sepium) to Contr
Midy San Lebang, Dantje Taroreh, Jimmy Rimbing
Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji efektifitas ekstrak daun sirsak dan daun gamal sebagai pengendali hama walang sangit pada tanaman padi. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 2 perlakuan yaitu jenis ekstrak dan konsentrasi ekstrak. Perlakuan 1 yaitu jenis ekstrak daun (A): sirsak (A1) dan gamal (A2), perlakuan 2 yaitu konsentrasi ekstrak (K): Kontrol (K0), 5% (K1), 10% (K2), 15% (K3), dan 20% (K4). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun sirsak efektif terhadap mortalitas walang sangit tertinggi pada konsentrasi 20% (83%) dan yang terendah pada konsentrasi 0% (0 %). Ekstrak daun gamal juga efektif terhadap mortalitas walang sangit tertinggi pada konsentrasi 20% (74%) dan yang terendah pada konsentrasi 0% (0%). Waktu kematian pada hari pertama setelah aplikasi dengan rata-rata mortalitas tertinggi berada pada perlakuan ekstrak daun sirsak 20% (30%) dan daun gamal 20% (28%) dan terendah berada pada perlakuan ekstrak daun sirsak 0% (0%) dan daun gamal 0 % (0%).
Kata kunci: daun gamal, daun sirsak, tanaman padi, walang sangit
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of soursop leaf extract and gliricidia leaves as pest control of walang rice (L. acuta) in the rice plants. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 2 treatments, i.e. extract type and extract concentration. The treatment of extract type (A) were soursop (A1) and Gamal (A2), whereas the treatment of extract concentration (K) were control (K0), 5% (K1), 10% (K2), 15% (K3), and 20% (K4). The results showed that the soursop leaf extract was effective to control sangit walang with the highest mortality was in the concentration of 20% (83%) and the lowest was in the concentration of 0% (0%). Gliricidia leaf extract was also effective to control sangit walang with the highest mortality in the concentration of 20% (74%) and the lowest was in the concentration of 0% (0%). The mortality time was on the first day of the application with the average highest mortality was in the treatment of 20% soursop leaf extract (30%)and 20% gliricidia leaves (28%) respectively. The lowest mortality was in the treatment of 0% soursop leaf extract (0%) and 0% gliricidia leaves (0%).Keywords: gliricidia leaves, rice plant, soursop leaves, walang rice pest