Kandungan Air Daun Padi Lokal Sulut pada Fase Vegetatif saat Mengalami Rendaman dan Kekurangan Air (Leaf Water Content of North Sulawesi Local Rice at the Vegetative Phase under Waterlogging and Water Deficit Condition)

Marlince Koda, Song Ai Nio, Parluhutan Siahaan




Penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengkaji kandungan air daun sebagai salah satu respon fisiologi  pada tanaman padi lokal Sulawesi Utara (Superwin, Ombong, Temo dan Burungan) pada fase vegetatif saat mengalami perlakuan rendaman dan kekurangan air. Tanaman tidak disiram dengan air selama 14 hari pada perlakuan kekurangan air. Tanaman dalam pot dimasukkan ke dalam bak air yang berisi air dengan tinggi rendaman 15 cm di atas permukaan media selama 14 hari pada perlakuan rendaman. Kandungan air daun berbeda antar varietas dan antar perlakuan, tetapi interaksi antara faktor varietas dan faktor  perlakuan cekaman tidak menyebabkan perbedaan kandungan air daun yang nyata. Kandungan air daun terendah diamati pada varietas Superwin (0,78 mg/L), sedangkan kandungan air daun yang tertinggi diamati pada varietas Ombong (0,89 mg/L). Kandungan air daun pada keempat varietas padi berturut-turut dari yang terendah ke yang tertinggi adalah pada perlakuan kekurangan air (0,79 mg/L), kontrol (0,84 mg/L) dan rendaman (0,90 mg/L).

Kata kunci: kandungan air daun, kekurangan air, padi lokal Sulut, rendaman, vegetatif



A study was carried out to evaluate leaf water content as one of the physiological responses in the North Sulawesi Utara local rice (Superwin, Ombong, Temo and Burungan) at the vegetative phase under waterlogging and water deficit condition. When treatments commenced, water was withheld from water-deficit plants and the water level was 15cm above the waterlogged plants. Leaf water content was different among varieties and among treatments, but the interaction between varieties and treatments did not result in significantly different leaf water content. The smallest leaf water content was observed in Superwin (0.78 mg/L), whereas the largest leaf water content was in Ombong (0.89 mg/L). Leaf water content in these four rice varieties from the lowest to the highest was in the treatments of water deficit (0.79 mg/L), well-watered (0.84 mg/L) and waterlogging (0.90 mg/L), respectively.

Keywords: leaf water content, North Sulawesi Utara local rice, water deficit, waterlogging, vegetative

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35799/jbl.7.1.2017.16209


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Copyright (c) 2017 Marlince Koda, Song Ai Nio, Parluhutan Siahaan

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Department of Biology
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Universitas Sam Ratulangi. Manado, North Sulawesi


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