Aksi Ethyl Methane Sulphonate terhadap Munculnya Bibit dan Pertumbuhan Cabai Rawit(Capsicum frutescens L.) (Ethyl Methane Sulphonate Action on Seed Emergence and Growth of (Capsicum frutecens L.))
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengamati pengaruh lama perendaman biji dengan 1% EMS terhadap persentase munculnya bibit dan karakter pertumbuhan tanaman cabai rawit pada umur 4 minggu setelah tanam (MST). Benih cabai rawit direndam dalam air selama 6 jam, selanjutnya direndam 1% EMS dalam buffer fosfat pH 7, selama 6 jam, 9 jam dan 12 jam. Tiap biji disemai dalam bumbungan kertas. Munculnya bibit diamati setiap hari. Setelah berumur 3 minggu, bibit dipindahkan ke bedengan. Hasil menunjukkan perlakuan 1% EMS memperlambat munculnya bibit. Pada 10 hari setelah semai (HSS) munculnya bibit pada perlakuan dapat mencapai 100%. Perlakuan 1% EMS berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun, sedangkan panjang, dan lebar daun dengan perendaman 6 jam tidak berbeda dengan kontrol, namun berbeda dengan perendaman 9 jam dan 12 jam.
Kata kunci : EMS, bibit, pertumbuhan, Capsicum frustescens L.
This research aimed to evaluate the influence of different exposure durations of 1% EMS on seedling emergence and growth characters of C, fustescent at 4 week after planting (WAT). Seeds were soaked in water for 6 hours, then soaked in 1% EMS in phosphate buffer pH 7, for 6 hours, 9 hours and 12 hours. Each seed was then sowed in a single paper tube. Seedling emergence was observed every day. At 3 weeks after sowing, seedlings were transferred to field. Results showed that soaking seeds in 1% EMS inhibited seedling emergence. At 10 days after sowing, the percentages of seedling emergence at control and treated seed were 100%. Treatments of 1% EMS have a significant effect on plant height, and the number of leaf, while length, and width of leaf with 6 hour exposure were not different with control, but differ from exposure of 9 hours and 12 hours.
Keywords: EMS, seed emergence, growth, Capsicum frutescens L.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.35799/jbl.4.1.2014.4836
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Copyright (c) 2014 Ni Kadek Dewi Rustini, Made Pharmawati

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Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences