Hubungan Kekerabatan Kultivar Talas (Colocasia esculenta) Berdasarkan Karakter Morfologi Organ Vegetatif (The Phenetic Relationship among Taro Cultivar (Colocasia esculenta) Based on Vegetative Morphological Characters)

Hafsah Hafsah, Topik Hidayat, Kusdianti Kusdianti




Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai hubungan kekerabatan pada delapan kultivar talas (Colocasia esculenta) berdasarkan karakter morfologi organ vegetatif. Kultivar-kultivar tersebut yakni talas kaliurang, burkok, bentul, bogor, sutra, kudo, lampung dan semir. Total karakter yang diamati berjumlah 35 karakter. Karakter-karakter tersebut kemudian dibuat skoring. Hasil skoring dianalisis dengan metode UPGMA (Unwight Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Average) menggunakan program komputer PAUP versi 4.0b10 sehingga terbentuk fenogram. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variasi morfologi organ vegetatif yang cukup tinggi. Dari seluruh karakter, hanya lima karakter yang tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan. Karakter tersebut yaitu bentuk daun dan ujung daun, rasio panjang terhadap lebar daun, pola tepi pelepah dan posisi dominan bentuk helai daun tua. Dari fenogram diketahui bahwa seluruh kultivar yang diamati membentuk dua kelompok utama. Kelompok pertama terdiri dari kaliurang, burkok, bentul, bogor, lampung dan sutra, yang membentuk tiga subkelompok. Kelompok kedua terdiri dari kudo dan semir. Hasil analisis fenetik menunjukkan kultivar bogor dan lampung merupakan dua kultivar yang sangat dekat hubungan kekerabatannya dengan nilai kesamaan sebesar 80%.

Kata kunci : Colocasia esculenta, fenetik, kultivar, organ vegetatif


This research was conducted to find out relationship on eight cultivars of taro (Colocasia esculanta) based on vegetative morphological characters. They were kaliurang, burkok, bentul, bogor, sutra, kudo, lampung and semir. Total characters observed were 35 characters and the scoring  was also performed. In order to form a phenogram, the scoring then were analyzed using computer software PAUP version 4.0b10, the UPGMA method (Unwight Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Average). Results showed that morphological variation of vegetative characters are quite high. Of all the characters, only five characters that indicated any significant differences. These characters were leaves shape, leaves tip shape, length-width leaves ratio, midrib leaves, and dominant position of the old leaves. From the phenogram, it was known that all cultivars observed were form into two main groups. The first group consists of kaliurang, burkok, bentul, bogor, lampung and sutra, which formed three subgroups. The second group consists of kudo and semir. The results of the phenetic analysis showed the cultivar bogor and lampung are two cultivars that are very close relationship ties with the similarity value of 80%.

Keywords : Colocasia esculenta , phenetic, cultivars, vegetative

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Copyright (c) 2014 Hafsah Hafsah, Topik Hidayat, Kusdianti Kusdianti

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Department of Biology
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Universitas Sam Ratulangi. Manado, North Sulawesi


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